Monday, October 23, 2006

Good Ol' Weekend

What a weekend! (Don't you find it odd that I started my introduction with a word that insinuates a question, though I end it with an exclamation mark?)

Apart from Michael Shumacher's extraordinary grand finale, I saw my Hindu and Gujarati friends celebrate Diwali (or Dipawali), a celebration of lights, their equivalent to the Christain Christmas. Quite correctly though, I didn't actually see and of my Hindu and Gujarati friends.

Tomorrow, the Muslims celebrate Eid - again its their equivalent of the Christain Christmas. I've always found it quite fascinating how the Muslims judge the position of the moon to the begining of a 30 day fasting period prior to Eid.

We had some friends over for the weekend and had a braai (the South African equivalent of a BBQ [for all my international readers]), enjoyed some exceptional weather and brilliant socialising.

For now - gotta get some work done.

Cheers for now.

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