Monday, March 26, 2007

Driving to Durban

As all South Africans know, the drive to Durban from Johannesburg is around 600 km long. I drove down to see my grandparents after work on Friday, arrived at 01h30 on Saturday morning and returned late on Sunday night.

I was thrilled to be back home, I hadnt seen the old folks in a while. I was not able to contain myself at all... not that I cried, but it was a feeling of utter happiness - like the dancing penguin in Happy Feet, yeah, thats how I felt.

I saw my dad, cousins and aunts. I 'met up' with some friends who had dropped out of touch. We laughed and sat around on power boxes and leaned against street poles.

Pictures to follow...

1 comment:

KerBear said...

yeah street poles, power boxes...