Friday, August 11, 2006

My First Blog

Wow, hail the advent of the the blog. I consider myself a "tech junkie" but have never, up until now, tried this blogging thing. I though to myself, "It's about blogging time you join the masses and claim you individuality and try out this blogging thing." Bit of an oxymoron... methinks.

So, this is my first post. I have no idea how to monitor it, to see if people enjoyed reading it or if they even read it at all... who knows how things will transpire? I will continue in an attempt to provoke some conversation, perhaps inspire some interesting debate, debate on the South African deputy president, Jacob Zuma.

I am South African, patriotic as much as the next guy. When it comes to facing the embarresment though, of the highest degree when said deputy pres believes that a shower could minimise the risk of contracting the disease [hiv], it makes me wonder though.

On another note, it breaks my heart to see decent people having to buy their drivers license because of the corrupt nature of the systems, processes and people. There comes a point in trying to get your license legally that is eventually out-weighed by getting it illegally. The cost involved for honest re-attempts is a waste. Do it the corrupt way, save yourself some cash.

Cheers for now.

1 comment:

Waseem said...

welcome Delon, this is future Waseem. I have come back to comment on your post. In the future, you will blog and even introduce me to blogging. You will also take up cycling and travel the world. I cant tell you more, cos im only from 2 years in the future, not much has happened.