Funny how easy it is to form a bad habit. I have a terrible habit, waking up in the morning, only to snooze my cell phone or alarm clock until the last second and normally until it's too late. I know for certain that I'm not the only one who suffers with this. It takes 7 days to develop a bad habit they say, 21 days to break it. I need to actively apply myself to breaking this... Looking for tips...
Man I know the feeling, everyday is a rush to get to work on time.
Here is what one life hack I had to say about it:
Go to bed when you sleepy and wake up when alarm goes.
o_O If I could do that I wouldn't be having this problem.
There should be a support group for this.
One solution is to place your alarm clock somewhere on the opposite end of your room, away from your bed, so that when it goes off, you're compelled to leap out and deal with it.
Tell me if it works for you.
Yeah I would agree with Saalehas solution, also use a real annoying tone.
The first thing I think about when I wake up, is when can i get some sleep again
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