Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The Occult

The Vision
In my quest for greatness, glory and recognition, I have decided to start my own cult. I have had a vision, brought upon me by the 'Prophets of the Ether' while I was browsing a Deepak Chopra book in the philosophy section of the bookstore, and foresee great power, wealth and greatness to all who follow me. I require a syndicate of followers who will be loyal to the cause and open to new ideas.

So, what is the cause?
The cult encourages creativity, intellectual stimulation, education and dedication.The cult does not look favourably upon dumb people or people who have never used the internet.

We encourage free thinking, the willingness to learn, a level of litercay and also require you to join a library and pay monthly $1.00 subsriptions to me via bank transfer. Details will be provided upon joining.

Joining is done by clicking on 'Post Comment'. Join the cult, feel the enlightenment.

In the words of the cult - there is no knowledge that is not power...

(Evil laugh goes here)

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Writing what I like

Writeres Block
I'm puzzled. For weeks I've been suffering with writers block. Often I find myslef struggling for interesting content, for content that other people would enjoy reading. And in this writing slum, comes the constant dissapointment when I receive my weekly web stats, and see that my readership is down (honestly though, its never been above 6 views on any day) or worse - nil!

The few loyal readers I've had have asked me to change the content, to move away from talking about technology too much or things that other people don't find interesting. 'I write what I like' but then no-one will read. I write what other people want to hear about any maybe, just maybe readership will improve - let's see how that goes?

Major Annoyance
I've been receiving spam mail from across the world. From Netherlands, India, Turkey and Poland to name just a millionth. Only recently have I started trying to determine where they come from. I'm like the HAM radio folks who plot a map of the origins of people they communicate with.

Night At the Pub
Last night my buddy and I decided to do the hectic night at the pub on a weekday night thing. Oooh, it was bad! My buddy and I were going well, drinks were flowing. The last drink was a very Long Island Ice Tea - woooo weeee. It did the trick. This was the one after having had it, you realise you shouldn't have had! I went to my girlfriends place thereafter, with drunken 'expectations.' All i got was to hug the toilet bowel. Not a pretty experience.

Due to the street lights being out in every part of the city today - I'm going home now. Hopefully it will be a pleasant experience.

Monday, January 15, 2007

The Online Gambler

As I sat upstairs, looking out my bedroom window, trying to draw inspiation from the moonless night sky, a fly buzzed around my head, so annoying, that I was hardly able to concentrate!

I recently installed some casino software on my PC. All the fun without the risk of losing real money - So far, I've taught myself to play Video Poker, Blackjack and Baccarat. I'm not the gambling type, so, this little suite of games suits me well. Growing up for several years as an only child (my brothers spawned from pumpkins later on), I was only used to playing Solitaire and Rubicks Cube.

I've been considering playing real gambling games online, but I don't have the courage, especially when considering that I'm practicalyl broke. Perhaps I'll try after someone gives me the tips to making big money on the internet.

Cloak and Daggger

Fisrtly, I just thought that I would mention that my exit from BCX draws closer. My manager just contacted me to schedule the exit interview, something I believe is customary when an employee decides to move. Tension mounts, with my colleagues, with my management and with myself.

My weekend was what i had hoped it would be, relaxing and nothing else. I got a chance to chill with my girlfriend, ride my bike and do all sorts of stuff that would consitute a lazy weekend. I watched a teen movie and slept.

Now, to the 'Cloak and Dagger' stuff. My friend whos name I'm not going to mention (due to certain legalities, legislations and what nots) was being the victim of hate mail. He or she (it's so damn secret, I can't say) was recieving the emails from someone who had claimed to be in the UK. After some forensic investigations, similar to what you may be used to if you watch CSI South Africa, it was determined that the purveyor of said 'hate email' was not in the UK, but in fact at a local site. Futher to this, the site of the criminal was also the person that 'friend' suspected it to be originating from. Mmmm, all very intersting methinks.

Well, writing that story just caused me imense amounts of confusion... Think I'm going out to get myself a berry smoothie.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Untitled until I find an interestingn title

Since its release I've wanted an Apple Ipod video. That has'nt happend, mostly cause I'm unable to afford it and I haven't been disciplined enough in my saving habits (or spending for that matter).

Now Apple are realesing the iPhone, I want one too, but i can't afford it. But if I calm down, take a deep breath, pick my nose, fart and then reflect - i remember that my entire CD collection consists of only 5 or so CD's. So whats the point, I ask myslef, of having maybe only 20 tracks on an ipod?

I don't like to do the whole bootleg-illegal-rob artists of their income-thing, so i listen to radio instead. It's free and it offers variety, though it doesn't always play my favourite tracks, in which case, I can just change the station. I grew up listening to East Cost Radio ( and Metro FM ( I now listen to 5 fm (, who offer greater music variety and 702 Talk Radio ( for talk topics.

Altoghether I guess I'm pretty clued up with the latest music and current affairs.

Send me a link of a non South African radio station to listen to online and broaden my horizons.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Rather the devil you know, than the devil you don't!

Late last year I handed my resignation letter to my boss. My decision to resign had been an emotional one, but it had to be done - for reasons such as growth, knowledge, change and challenge. My grandfather, retired and old in his beliefs, advised me otherwise. He was the type of guy who had been in the same job for 25 years.

The devil that I'm moving from is Business Connexion. The devil that I'm moving to is Dimension Data. Both very big organizations here in South Africa.

My manager has been trying to get me to reconsider - A futile attempt, but don't tell him that I said that.

Anyways, these are exciting times. the doubt has passed and I look forward only to the new opportunities now.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

A Post that is Banned is a Post worth reading

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