Friday, April 20, 2007

Dynamic Young Individual

What exactly do employment agencies mean when they require a "Dynamic Young Individual" for a certain job offer? What causes confusion for me is the term dynamic. Dynamic is defined as (according to 1) "Characterized by continuous change, activity, or progress" and 2) "Possessing, exerting, or displaying energy" among others.
So my findings are such, that a young guy or girl must be a bit off the rockers, bounce off the walls but must progress... I think...! I'm gona try it out and see what happens.


Anonymous said...

Hey, so did you manage to clinche the job afterall? :D

qdee said...

good luck!
hope you came across as a enthusiatic, living on air, extremely excitable guy who thrives on being in a team kinda person :)

i tried, but they didnt beleive me.