Monday, July 02, 2007

The Rumours

The rumors are that I am dead, that I spontaneously combusted and my ashes were swept under the carpet. To all those who have been sending emails, wondering if this was true, I assure you, it's not.

The liver transplant was not successful. The bovine liver which was destined for me was rejected by my body. My health worsened and... forget it... I'm deleting this blog...


Waseem said...

The rumors of your demise were greatly exaggerated, dont give in man. Keep on trekking, think about your fans and groupies

KerBear said...

comon single D...gotta keep on!!!
As a loyal supporter i will not let you go down...We Durbanites dont give up that easily.

We will conquer this journey together even if i have to donate my liver (mmmm think i need it though)but nonetheless you have more fans than i have so VIVA on!