I've read numerous articles about making money on the internet. A wise guy (not to be confused with a made guy) comes up with some new idea to make a stack of cash, buy selling pixels on a website and becomes a millionaire overnight or something else ridiculous. I think that it's my inablity to think outside the 'proverbial box' that limits my wealth (considering the pixel idea ridiculous).
So, I'm open to suggestions on how to become an internet millionaire. Is there some generic code that I can copy and paste then upload and manage to draw countless people to buy my invisibiluty potion or what ever I have to sell? Perhaps I'll sell my profound knowledge of google to some internet addict not willing to learn the tricks himself. How do I do it? How do I manage to pull it off and complent my income? What idea, technique, method or secret works specifically for the South African waiting to become the next rich kid on the block?
There's lots of books on making money on the internet by clever marketing but nothing specific to South Africa. South Africans are not such liberal spenders as their North American or European counterparts. They are all so afraid of marketing a buiness on the internet. Look at Kalahari.net (not a programming language) or Bid or Buy for example. Half the time you never get what you want. So in that case I just order from Amazon.com or Ebay making several Americans wealthier.
So, patiently I wait for the idea to present itself to my minds eye - the money maker.
This one guy I know has invited me to seminar which he claims can make me lots of easy money. And if i come and sign up he gets R5000. and once i sign up everyone i bring (that signs up) to the seminar will get me R5000. And the cycle continues...I find this thing very hard to believe yet im a bit tempted to check what its about. He claims to have made R28000 this month.
I have no other advice in terms of making money on the internet ... if you find something we can go in 50/50
This sounds like a pyramid scheme... Be warned, this is illegal and you not have a leg to stand on should you loose out.
I think the make-loads-of-money-overnight stories are possibly not happening as often as we think they are. I suspect the best way to make a lot of money on the Internet is still the good old-fashioned method of work smart, hard and build a solid business of a reasonable size. There are many people making a living on eBay, sure, but how long will that last? As envious as I felt when I first heard about the pixel guy ("Damn, why didn't I have that bright idea?!"), I'd still rather put in the time now, and build something sustainable and more important, saleable. And you're right, the difference in the SA market does have a huge effect on what we can and can't achieve here, versus what can be done in the US market.
Well delon, everything is about wether it's worth taking the shot. You dicide V7N Directory
so like i know this guy in Lagos right...
i was messing you about.
was gonna send you the contact details i have for a couple nigerian 419ers.
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