Has anyone ever got to work on a Monday morning and said, "Geez, that weekend was too long. I wish I could've come back yesterday morning"?
If yes, then that person suffers with 'over-enthusiasmness' - a sad and debilitating disease which leads to premature hair loss, greying, aging, extreme caffeine addiction, and irritable-bowel syndrome.
Watch out for these symptoms. Over-enthusiasmness is treatable and curable.
Hrmm.. there are small kids that are sometimes way over - enthuasatic too. :D Would that be a problem for ageing as well? I don't seem to see these kids get 'older'.
For over enthusiastic kids I suggest Ritalin, less fizzy drinks and no tartrazine!
What about people who are so over-enthusiastic they work on weekends on their own volition like a certain big head we both know.
Damn you workaholics, the lazy will inherit the earth ... when we get the time
Ritalin is quiet bad though, they had a discusion about it on Carte Blanche some time ago. Kids on that stuff actually commit suicide(talking about older kids and adults)It makes these kids considerably underactive and its very sad to see a child lathargic and weak when u have always seen this child up and down with loads of enery. Yes dosage is very important but the wonderful doctors that reside here in SA seem to give these kids a little too much. So for those parents out there that have over-enthusiastic kids please do as much research and know ure stuff before deciding to give ure kids Ritalin...But as D said cut down completely with the fizzy drinks, read food labels, become aware.
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